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Criminal Defense Attorney

Posted Spring Summer 2012

A former PTA treasurer was partially vindicated in Court when all felony charges against her were dropped.

The defendant was accused of diverting nearly $15,000 of PTA money into her own account. After months of accounting, litigation and negotiations, all charges were reduced to a single misdemeanor forgery charge. The defense never disagreed about her improperly signing several checks out of convenience but maintained that she never stole money or diverted funds.

The defendant agreed to pay $9,895 in restitution and perform 120 hours of community

Andrews' attorney, ​​Dyke Huish​​, said his client pleaded guilty only "to bring peace to the community." At Wednesday's court hearing, Huish didn't endorse his clients's plea, a rare move, "because I don't think she is guilty," he said. "My client plead to bring an end to a long story not because she did anything wrong." ​​​​​​
In a rare number of cases an attorney can choose not to join in a plea when he or she disagrees with the clients reason for accepting a deal.

"She a good person," Huish added, noting that felony charges of grand theft and forgery were dropped as part of the agreement.

Huish conceded "mistakes were made" in Andrews' bookkeeping methods -- some checks intended for others were deposited into the wrong account -- but insisted all the funds in question eventually went to the right recipients. Nothing was stolen, he said.

Huish had predicted that once the evidence played out, Andrews would be vindicated. Huish claimed that while she may have plead to a misdemeanor it was only done to bring an end to the case. "Every penny has been accounted and it's clear she stole nothing." Huish added.

If you or someone you know has been accused or charged with Fraud, Forgery or Grand Theft please call the Law Office of Dyke Huish for a Free Consulation on a potential resolutions to this serious felony charge. Mr. Huish can be reached at 949-837-8600 or by email at huishlaw@mac.com.

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Orange County Theft Attorney. orange County Fraud Attorney. Forgery. Rancho Santa Margarita Criminal Attorney Dyke Huish. Mission Viejo Fraud Attorney. Local Defense Attorney Dyke Huish. California Forgery Law and Penal Code Section.

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***The names, date and some minor details have been removed from the story to protect our clients privacy.