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Understanding the dynamics behind a charge of Domestic Violence takes a unique skill set, background and years of experience to develop.  In most cases the Police arrest the person that calls or claims the biggest injury.  Usually this is a rush to judgement.  The police take the side of the person that complains the most or looks the weakest and makes an arrest based upon guesses, speculation and the hearsay statements of the so called victim.

The result is that someone ends up in jail, even though they may not be the responsible party.  When this happens you need an Domestic Violence Defense Attorney with the experience to solve the problem.

Domestic Violence cases have become targeted by the Prosecution, Police, and Advocacy Groups for the last fifteen years.  In most cases the result is a heavy handed government that misunderstands the true nature of Domestic VIolence and often exaggerates the situation.   The result is that many normal folks are inappropriately being charged for serious Domestic Violence charges.  When this happens you need a Domestic Violence Defense Attorney with the experience and background that will provide you with the best possible defense. 

For over 20 years Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Dyke Huish has handled some of the most complex and serious Domestic Violence cases found within the Court System.  Mr. Huish has successfully litigated hundres of Domestic Violence cases.   Mr Huish has also obtained numerous Not Guilty Verdicts in Jury trials involving Domestic Violence charges. 


In many cases, Mr. Huish waives his customary initial consultation fee for qualified potential clients. 


To find out if you qualify for a free consultation please contact our office to schedule and appointment.

Call:    949-837-8600​​​


Text:   949-259-3068​​​

Criminal Law Cases

Domestic Violence Cases

DUI Cases

Juvenile Cases


Federal Cases

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